Thursday, September 11, 2008


(a picture from back in march on my birthday.. she was the "birthday bunny"... )

I am so grateful for my kids. I love that they are getting older and getting to be such amazing little people. Today I was having a rough morning. And I guess Emily could sense that.. We had a LATE shower this morning. And I went upstairs to get my clothes Emily decided to turn on the Church music. She knows how happy I am when there is music on. I am just amazed at how compassionate and aware of feelings she is. Yes, she does have temper tantrums and stuff like that. But she really is becoming such an amazing girl. I think this is one of her talents. Even when she was younger she was very compassionate. Just a few weeks after Hannah was born, one day I was having an EXTREMELY hard day. I finally just sat in the hall and cried. And Emily walked up to me, gave me her binky and a hug. She has just always been in-tune to emotions.

And Hannah is following in her footsteps. Whenever she can sense that I'm not happy, she comes up to me and kisses me. I've had fun making it a game. I'll frown or say I'm sad, then she runs up and gives me a kiss to make me happy! He he eh! I can do this for like 10 straight times, but then she has enough.

Even in hard times, I feel so blessed that I have my two little girls. They really are mine and Bryan's bites of Heaven.

And no. I'm not sad all the time. That's not what this post is about, it's about my amazing little girls.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You really do have such sweet girls! You have taught them well!